SFTool Blog

Welcome to the SFTool Blog. The Sustainable Facilities Tool (sftool.gov) helps you do more than learn about high-performance buildings and purchasing. SFTool helps you put this knowledge into practice, and assemble the people you need to help you get stuff done.

We’ve decided to share some of our experiences while developing SFTool. We’ll talk about interactions with the building community, challenges we’ve overcome designing the site, and other stories about putting high-performance ideas into practice.

Note: The SFTool blog may contain links to websites of public and private organizations, as well as references to specific products used in development. A link or mention anywhere on SFTool is not an endorsement of the views, products, or services provided by the mentioned resource or product.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Happy Halloween!

We're brushing up on tactics to fight energy vampires this Halloween! Didn't know there was such a thing? Energy vampires are scary  vampire plug loads can account for as much as 10% of your electricity bill.

So how do you fight energy vampires? Check out SFTool's Plug Load page and more strategies from the Department of Energy (DOE).

Visit DOE's Energyween page for more Halloween-themed tips plus some great costume and pumpkin ideas!